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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

As it gets closer to the exam period, obviously mug more play less. But as janey saes more is less and threfore less is more and thus...CRAP. Lets go on to the topic. Obviously, i haven started mugging for eoy. Its jus the bio test tmr. Yet as i mug, i keep thinking about what will happen to us classmates in 3/4H and 1/2G. We may not see each other as often as now in high school, especially if we dun pick the same kinda combinations. And since i see my combination as a certainly evaded combination by alot of us..i fear to think about what will happen without u ppl..Without knowing, we may all have developed this attachment towards our class and our consortium (especially with our ProEd Lang!)...Well, its stupid worrying about someting that hasnt come..My Motto: Worry about the present. Wheee..Okay, back to mugging bio(or playing)

8/29/2006 10:25:00 PM

Monday, August 28, 2006

OMG..these few days, while playing games, i was tinking why my comp was so dam freaking lag..den today, while dota-ing, i finally decided i had enuff when i was feeding bcos of the lag spikes. Went to check using a gohcw (panda) virus scanner and HOLY SH!T!! 20 VIRUSES! MY COMP OWNS J00!! like other ppl's 1 or 2 viruses cannot tahan my comp endured thru 20 viruses -.- YAY, NOW ITS BACK TO NO LAG TIME!

8/28/2006 06:01:00 PM

Friday, August 25, 2006

Today marks the end of all the sec 4s' last sabbatical in their high school life. Less than 4-5 weeks later will be our end-of-year, and I'm relieved(or not) to know that almost 80% of my friends haven started mugging!! Yay! Last minute mugging pwns j00!!oneoneoneshift+one! Just realised Mrs Sow is realli dang nice..once ur under her charge she realli takes care of you, lol! The end of the sabbatical also marks the significant start of our mugging period..mayb aft tis my posts will be less frequent. Games less played(like reduce 10min?). Hmm, but something today is pissing me off..


Look, I don't know why, but LEP teachers luv to drag us into any activity the BSP ppl are involved in. We don't get the same recognition, lessons or wadsoever, but still we mus go for such activities. It seriously makes me despise LEP more. JC LEP and High School LEP sounds and looks so freaking different. High School LEP is some kinda shit-like programme. Thres no true organisation, with venues and programmes/activities decided last minute. By last minute, i mean on the day itself. Its realli dam freaking useless..As wzmh says, schools a freaking conning company..tt explains why we got into LEP.

8/25/2006 07:20:00 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

This is an add-on to the previous post. I forgot to thank somebody. KOY fish. I really appreciate it that u actually bought(or gave) something to me for my bday present. Whatever it is, thanks for your effort. Not to mention Mr Wei Lian(g) also.

8/21/2006 02:22:00 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Okay..today was quite a long day, so i tot i would try to re-order it and present it in a chronological format.





To conclude, I wish to thank my friends for giving me yet another fun and hilarious bday party, and of course NO THANKS to my sis and her frens. Those who came noe wad i mean. And of course my grandparents, my parents, my aunts, my cousins, etc. And of course our Best Fren Frog Yuanguang who willing got dunked into the pool. Thanks.

8/20/2006 07:23:00 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hi. Today, again, the exhibition gave me another whole new experience. It was a very fun, enriching encounter. In fact, it even gave me a chance to converse in "perfect" english.

Prepare. Behold.

Today, at 8.30am, MALAYS came to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms exhibition. (look im not saying aniting here). Well, the thing is, we all know they cant understand chinese. So, we were posed wif the challenge of translating our whole scripts into ENGLISH. Imagine that. And top it up with the fact that all this was impromptu. Meaning we only knew it when they came into Kah Kee Hall.


Of course, since I have played Dynasty Warriors before, I kinda know how to pronounce the chinese characters in english accent. (which always sucks, bcos foreigners are just too clever for their own good. Change the chinese pronunciation for suck cock english pronunciation.) Then, lo behold, the malays were actually better than those chinese people viewing the exhibits in one sense: Each and every group who walks by will ask me to explain the portraits.

Talk about cultural identity and understand one's culture. Malays are more interested in our culture than ourselves.

Ok, put that aside. Another funny incident. There was this couple who was visiting all the exhibits. When they came to me, I started one line by explaining the portraits. Then, they started deviating from the exhibit and asked me about what i knew and what i learnt. We deviated more when I said i understood about the basic storyline of the Three kingdoms through playing games. We deviated LIKE NOTHING when they went on to ask me about the game playstyle and interface, because they wanted to buy a game for their child. So we went on and on..(cos this is supposedly my best topic of explanation)

Lastly, to update all those who haf played ztd wif me and jack b4..WE GOT TO LVL 39!!WOOHOOO! now jack has gone for his tuition..after that we are gonna try again. Hope we can succeed.

8/19/2006 09:38:00 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

The past few days has been just unbelievable. Okay, firstly to rectify a mistake i made in my previous post..there werent 20+ portraits...it was 40+..LOL WTH NOOB CALCULATION.

Okay. So?

Well, and once the first day started for us to make our presentations to any viewer who walked by and wanted to know more about our assigned portraits. The first thing i felt when i went into Kah Kee Hall on Thursday.


Attributed to a few reasons. Firstly, not many lower secondary peeps noe about this. Secondly, these are the only possible people who would visit this exhibition. Lastly, Even then, the numbers are abundant.

Well, then we come to today. It was a totally new sight to behold..


Knn, the whole hall was filled with spams of who knows what primary schs and sec schs. Totally imba. But the thing is..repeating the same story and content over and over again 20+ times is kinda..well..TIRING? Wth manz.


MY pday got A?????????????????????????????????????? thats crap..look we tot that getting a B+ would aredi mean that the judges are benevolent and kind, yet here comes an A! W00t!

8/18/2006 07:27:00 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

Today..lit test not too bad..i guess fooyy repented LAWL jk. Sry if this may offend ani1..I do noe sum1 who will definitely get offended. ^^ Aniwae, today was a day of shinging. I got overtaken by a lot of teachers in this arena which i am supposed to have mastered. First, Mr Tanyk, who supposedly said that he will be allowing us to do the 250 cheng yus during his periods today..Suddenly, for god noes wad reason, he seems to have forgotten wad he said, and gave out an almost full Paper 2 for us to do..

Talk about backstabbing, will u? Teachers do it best.

But the best has yet to come. Okay...today im gonna get owned wif the pile of shit i accumulated over the days, I hope LEP goes about with its normal routine and i get let off at 3pm.

I was DEAD wrong.

Was waiting for yize to finish that stupid LEP assignment which i din do and refuse to do..Then, as we walked down towards 2L, we were told to go to Kah Kee Hall. Stoned there for quite a while. Okay, here comes the part. Yize told me both of us were chosen to accompany khaw boon wan through the san guo exhibition.


Nvm..i at least treat it as an honour..at least we are not lyk idiots who stone there waiting for people to come. So, how is this related to teachers? Read on.

Good, now we are treated lyk special personnel or even the ExCo. Went around, listened to all the comments, and then yize comes telling me another ting. ShiehLS picked the names.


Ok, I tink we all understand. No need for animore explanation. quite gg considering that they told us we mus understand everi portrait in that whole kah kee hall. I counted, around 20+?

WOOHOO. Good. Shuang. Bye.

8/14/2006 07:40:00 PM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

After 3hrs of gaming, im finally settled to do some work..after reading the compre passage for 5min, i suddenly felt bored. So, I msged Jack to play. Then, another 2 hrs of gaming ensued..>< WTH IS WRONG WITH ME??!!?! Nevertheless, Zoator was the best to do hw with. I finished the qns. However, I identified one big problem with the Passage A. Simply because its full of scotts. TOTALLY. The writer is blabbering about one point thruout his whole passage. Sometimes I just wonder whether prominent writers are so well known because they scott. Zzz. Nvm. Doesn't make a diff I'm just extracting info.


Here I come to summary.

19. Passage A describes some...


Returns back to passage, skim skim skim...I don't understand -.-"

GG no re! I try to do..hmm..ok..lets see..this is a point, but how come the 2nd line is the same ting as this?! SHAO CHANG WEN SUO DUAN! I still rmb the smoky chang wen suo duan we did, and how i got gg-ed. This summary should reap similar results. Argh, to hell with it, Lit first!! LIT LIT LIT!!!

Not like i realli like to read frankie, but its better.

8/13/2006 06:10:00 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I am finally on the right track..reading Frankie!!I WONT BE DISTRACTED (I hope). Aniwae, going to eat now..i wont get distracted..i will do my stuff..mayb i can play a..NO I CANNOT.

8/12/2006 09:29:00 PM

Haha. not that scary on friday. Duno y i din feel nervous while presenting. Phew...not that i will get in, that is. Today dam sian again...Had to read frankenstein but din read it...den oni play-.- .
I feel like I myself do not realise that the Lit Test is next monday and therefore feel no urgency at all. Again, Mugging Rejection Syndrome strikes back. Whatever it is, today...HAHA DAM FUNNY!!!1111shift+one. I found a map, jack and me tried it out, and this line is one of its descriptions:

This map is not for the sane!

ROFL. Of course we tried it, and we nearly burst our bellies over it. I'm not gonna reveal it now until later at night when we play. :D Look forward to it ba.

8/12/2006 08:15:00 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006



8/10/2006 09:57:00 PM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

To-do list:
1) Chem ppt for sabbatical
2) Physics ACE
3) Projects Day presentation plan
4) English In-convo reserach
5) Lit Revision*

* signifies tasks that are of utmost importance and should take precedence.

HOWEVER, i did nothing today and ytd. And yet i feel sian having "nothing" to do. Homework/ACE/Revision-Rejection Syndrome is here to stay yet again...Nevertheless, since i cant get the urge to do sch stuff, play lor.


zzz..everitime i end up like this..and i bet tmr i will be rushing everiting again..sub-standard work..bla..I still dun get that urgency to quit playing computer and mug, although the eoy exams is like less than 2 mths again..Argh, crap, 俗语说, "船到桥头自然直" Ill jus heck care and take it as it is.

8/09/2006 09:56:00 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006

Now..firstly..to announce the results of the diplomatic mission today..*drum rolls*


Mission Aborted!


Fact was, Weizheng and me dun even noe wad to say to him..needed more time to think thru our questions and discussion, so there u go. aborted.

Another ting, I'm gonna march tmr wheeeee!! Prepared duo can..Nevertheless, its my squad that has disappointed Chao Rong..den it makes sense for the NCO to save 'em! Sounds lame, deranged but thats wad i tink. Quite excited though..now need to polish boots and badges again, of course while watching tv/reading books/playing games. C'mon, Sec 4 squad, its time to display our proness yet again! JOIN US!

Ok, bye.

8/07/2006 04:47:00 PM

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What the HELL!?!?!STUPID MICROSOFT XP PROFESSIONAL WITH FRONTPAGE! Now I finally set my heart and mind and soul into doing my LEP speech AND THEY DUN LET ME. great..now haf to use laptop..which is abit fast..crappy stupid computer..

Then again, I just realised, tmr is when Weizheng and I are gonna embark on a pivotal diplomatic mission that will be determining our Chinese lessons' future...FINDING TANYK! Woohoo..not that im very confident about how to persuade him...Nevertheless, trying is better than nothing. C'mon, we can do it..feel like saying "like real"..

8/06/2006 10:42:00 PM

Wheee...suddenly felt an urge to recreate my blog. I wont and dun feel a need to change my blog skin. Today is stupid...I wanted to start on my LEP speech for san guo yan yi you hua zhan, and in the end did nothing...zzz..Arrgghhhh...These few days I jus keep thinking about the image of us sec 4s leaving the school to pursue each of our own paths..feels dam sad...I dun wan to be separated..since young I cherished friends around me, but den..life is always liddat.

On a lighter note, Heroes V's programmer SUCKS. The loading time is !@@##$$. Nothing more to aptly describe it. Ok lets end this. Bye.

8/06/2006 08:09:00 PM


21 Aug 1990
HCI 1/2G'03/04, 3/4H'05/06, 07S72'07/08


1. Computer Games
2. Comics
3. Watching Anime
4. Studying
5. Stoning
6. Conan
7. Bleach
8. D.Gray-Man



Jia Han
Jian Nan
Jon Quek
Jon Neo
Joseph Seah
Kai Xian
Shi Xian
Tack Kian
Tai Soon
Ting Feng
Yuan Guang
Yvonne Lee


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
April 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
July 2009
January 2010


zero one two three four


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon